“How to buy X2P” is a question many daredevil investors are asking as it rises in popularity. Xeno Pay, the team behind X2P coin, aims to follow the tokenomics of another popular meme token: SafeMoon. According to X2P’s white paper, Xeno Pay imposes a 15% transaction fee on buyers and sellers, and 10% of those fees are distributed to token holders. Similar to SafeMoon, Xeno Pay claims that this 15% transaction fee is implemented to incentivize long-term buying and holding.
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Unlike Shiba Inu coin, an Ethereum-based token, X2P runs on the Binance Smart Chain, which means that you don’t have to worry about Ethereum’s sky-high gas fees for buying and selling the new token. If you’re interested in taking a risky plunge into purchasing this new token, here’s an easy-to-understand guide on how to buy X2P.
How to buy X2P coin
To buy X2P coin, you’ll need to purchase Binance Coin (BNB). You can either purchase BNB from Binance and send it to TrustWallet, or you can purchase BNB directly on the app. If you live in a region where it’s difficult to acquire BNB, you’ll need to purchase XLM from Coinbase, send it to Atomic Wallet, swap it for BNB and send it to Trust Wallet. Once you’ve acquired BNB, here’s how to buy X2P coin. Convert BNB to Smart Chain via Trust Wallet
- Navigate to TrustWallet’s main page and tap on “BNB." Hit “More” and tap on “Swap to Smart Chain.”
- Under “Swap,” tap anywhere within the BNB “You Pay” space. This will bring up four options: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. Tap “100%” to transfer 100% of your BNB to Smart Chain. Tap “Swap,” hit “Submit” and wait for the conversion to process.
- Head back to TrustWallet’s main page and you should see that your Smart Chain order is fulfilled. Using PancakeSwap to convert Smart Chain to X2P coin If you have an Android device, you can skip step one. But if you have an iPhone, you’ll need to type in a URL to enable “dApps,” a browser in TrustWallet that gives you access to PancakeSwap.
- Open Safari and type “trust://browser_enable.” A prompt will appear with the following message: “Open this page in ‘trust’?” Tap “Open.”
- In the Trust Wallet app, tap on “Browser” on the bottom taskbar (in Android, you’ll see the word “dApps"). Next, tap on “PancakeSwap.”
- Tap the “Connect” button on the top-right corner and hit “TrustWallet.” You should see that your Smart Chain tokens are now in PancakeSwap.
- Tap “Select a currency”. In the search bar, you’ll need to paste X2P’s contract address (it’s a long string that starts with “0x”), which can be found here.
- Set your slippage to 12% by clicking on the icon next to the clock symbol.
- Tap “Swap” and “Confirm Swap.” This will prompt a “Transaction submitted” message to pop up.
- Click on “View on BscScan.” The status bar should say “Success,” proving you successfully converted Smart Chain into X2P coin. Exit PancakeSwap. Confirm you have X2P coin in your possession At this point, you’re probably wondering, “I’ve bought X2P, but I don’t see it! What gives?” Don’t panic. Follow these steps to enable X2P coin in TrustWallet.
- Copy X2P’s Contract Address here: 0x53dcD4eF8E21FE014594a0854c4271a0623B31eC
- Navigate back to TrustWallet’s main page. Click the blue icon on the top-right corner.
- In the search bar, type in “X2P.”
- Tap on “Add Custom Token.” Change the network from Ethereum to Smart Chain. Under “Contract Address,” paste the string of code you copied earlier.
- Type “Xenon Pay” under Name, “X2P” under Symbol, and “9” under Decimals.
- Voila! You should see your X2P tokens in the TrustWallet app. Note: This is not financial advice. This article is meant for educational purposes only. Digital tokens are extremely volatile, so buy at your own risk.