The response has been mixed, although users supposedly feel safer with joining a discussion knowing their Tweets will disappear into the ether, not to be used against them at a later date. Tweeting without repercussions is a rather alluring feature for some. 

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The fun in using fleets over tweets is that retribution is less likely and, as many celebrities have learned (looking at you Kevin Hart), being held accountable for old tweets can be a thing of the past.  With Fleets, you can share your thoughts via text, video, or images. Twitter says it will be adding live video and stickers to Fleets soon. The new feature will exist at the top in a row format. If only we had Fleets these past four years, we would all be better for it. For some (Ahem, Kevin Hart, Hulk Hogan, Lindsay Lohan, etc), the impermanence will be a godsend.  Happy Fleeting!